Schoology Assessments
Create assessments in your Schoology course to assess your students' grasp of the material or evaluate their preparedness for class. Each assessment is automatically graded (unless you've included a subjective question, such as a short answer/essay), providing you with instant and powerful feedback that can help guide your upcoming lesson plans.
You can also manually override grades, grade with rubrics, and customize a wide array of settings for each assessment.
How to create an assessment
Question Type How is it graded?
Multiple Choice System Graded
True False System Graded or Instructor Graded
Matching System Graded
Ordering System Graded
Fill in the Blank Text System Graded
Fill in the Blank Dropdown System Graded
Fill in the Blank Drag and Drop System Graded
Short Answer / Essay Instructor Graded
Label Image System Graded
Highlight Hotspot System Graded
Highlight Image Instructor Graded
Highlight Text System Graded
Math Short Answer Instructor Graded
Number Line System Graded
Chart System Graded
Assessment Reporting
Assessment Reporting provides immediate feedback based on student responses to assessment questions. The Reporting area provides quick insights into how individual students are performing on an assessment as well as the average for the class, and more.

How to create item banks for assessments
Grading Assessments
After students complete the assessment, you can grade their submissions from the Grading area.
You can grade the assessment By Question or By Student.
To grade student attempts:
Open the assessment and click By Student from the Grading area.
Click the student submission you want to grade in the table.

The By Student area displays information about students and assessment attempts.

Change the assessment score manually by clicking the score for the assessment in the Gradebook Points field and adding a new score. In this example, the instructor has entered a score of 75 for the assessment. Click clear override to remove the manually entered score.

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